I just got a new phone yesterday – a beautiful Nokia E70. I’m completely in love with this phone.
Anyway, after hours of searching, I finally figured out how to make iSync work with the phone (it’s not supported by default).
I’m sharing this info in the hopes that other people will find it useful.
Here’s what you do:
1) Edit your MetaClasses.plist file:
– Open a Finder window and press command+shift+g and paste in this line:
– You may want to make a backup of this file (just copy + paste it into the same folder)
2) Open the file in your favorite text editor, and add this info for the E70:
<string>Nokia+Nokia E70-1</string>
<string>Nokia+Nokia E70-1</string>
NOTE: I copied the icon for one of the other phones and renamed it to “NOKE70.tiff”, but you don’t need to do this if you don’t want to, just pick one of the existing tiff files in the same folder as the .plist file.
3) Save the .plist file and restart iSync.
4) Add a device, it should find your E70 and allow you to sync using the built in sync software on the phone!
* NOTE: I ordered my phone from europe, so it uses the “-1” in the identification string (Nokia+Nokia E70-1) – when the US model comes out, this will probably change to “Nokia+Nokia E70-2”
UPDATE: I noticed that this wasn’t adding the alarms for my meetings at the right time – they were all set without the timezone offset they should have had, so with some further digging, I figured out how to fix this:
1) Open Finder, hit command+shift+g and paste in this path:
– Find the file PhoneConduitv2-serie60-SyncML.plist and make a copy of it for backup purposes (in the same folder is fine)
2) Open the file (not the backup copy) in your favorite text editor, and search for this node:
and change the ‘false’ to ‘true’ so it should look like this:
Save the file and relaunch iSync, and all your meeting alarms should now be the correct time. Since I had already synced, it wouldn’t resync all the events I already had, so you may need to remove the meetings from the phone and resync, but be careful, as removing the events from the phone will remove them from your calendar next time you sync! (I’m not sure of a good way to get around this, so if anyone has ideas, lets hear them)
– This only seems to work when syncing from the computer to the phone. If I choose sync in the phone, it tries to connect but then just disconnects without syncing or a warning.
– If all of this is too much for you, or you can’t figure it out, you can always just buy this plugin from NovaMedia for €10
UPDATE: I took some pictures of it so you can see the size of it – not the best pics (my room is kinda dark) but they should give you an idea of the size and feel of it.
UPDATE (6-27-2006): OS X 10.4.7 was released today, and it appears that the update breaks this functionality (there were some updates to iSync). The new update does not appear to support the E70 yet, so you’ll have to re-implement this change after you update to 10.4.7.
Could someone PLEASE help me out?!
I keep trying changing the MetaClasses.plist, but …. it does not work.
A little help here please?
Could someone PLEASE help me out?!
I keep trying changing the MetaClasses.plist, but …. it does not work.
A little help here please?
Mac Maniac 78 “AT” hot mail “DOT” com
I have nokia n82 fow few months. It works faster than E70, and it works better when connected on PC by Bluetooth. If you have any questions feel free to ask on my blog or by mail.There is no stupid question, only stupid answer. Best regards,
Boris Savic
It worked in Tiger but not Leopard?
Any idea what to do in Mac OSX 10.5?
Nokia now write it’s own plugin for isync, you can download it from : http://europe.nokia.com/A4299040
Nokia ecrit maintenant son propre plugin isync, on peut le télécharger sur : http://europe.nokia.com/A4299040
Wow! Finally