I was a little dissapointed at the iTunes phone (ROKR) stats. Who only wants to listen to 100 songs? Puhleese.
Check out these exclusive shots of my new iPhonePod. It’s got all the features of a RAZR, and all the features of a 4GB iPod nano.
So sweet. (click the pics to go to Flickr and comment if you like)
Here is me talking to someone very important about something very important.
That is at least a few hundred times better than the ROKR. (Yes, not five times, as I had earlier stated.)
omg, where can i get one?
dude, you always end up with the cool toys!
But this photo was taken at the Chopping Block. and you don’t work there anymore. Does not compute.
ipod nano. bleh!
Dude, thats a nano attached to a motorola phone with a rubber band. Puhleese!
P.S. – Apple attorneys will be contacting you shortly.
That is SO obviously a photoshop composite. Don’t be fooled, blog-reading dupes! This phone obviously does not exist anywhere except in the fevered imagination of a frustrated technolusting photoshop-wielding mac enthusiast.
That having been said, I must say, nice job, though. Those rubber bands look almost real.
Its joke you idiots.