Flash on the Beach session notes

Just a quick post to provide my session slides and links:

Session Slides (pdf)




Further Reading:

Enjoy! If you were in the session, leave a comment and let me know what you thought of the presentation, and include ways I can make the next one better if you like.

26 thoughts on “Flash on the Beach session notes

  1. Thanks for the slides! For those of us that didn’t get to go, it’s nice to have a way to relive the experience with our rock garden sand box, UV light, and desktop computer.

  2. It was a great session, and thanks for the notes. I haven’t done much Flash work recently, and so was pretty rusty until fotb. Also, the main thrust of my work is semantic / standards-based websites – but going to your session and Niqui Merret’s has blown away my old ideas about Flash being inaccessible and inappropriate for most sites. The whole swfObject thing is a great idea. In fact, I’ve implemented it just today on a site I’m working on!

  3. The link to the slides (PDF) seem to be broken… :-(

    Since I´m writing this message I would like take this moment and thank you for all that you have done for our Flash Community and I´m sure your work has helped a lot of people, like me, to be a better understanting of many things related to the World Wide Web.

    Mauricio Bahia (from Brazil)

  4. The link to the slides (PDF) seem to be broken… :-(

    Since I´m writing this message I would like take this moment and thank you for all that you have done for our Flash Community and I´m sure your work has helped a lot of people, like me, to be a better understanting of many things related to the World Wide Web.

    Mauricio Bahia (from Brazil)

    good comment i think ;)

  5. It was a great session, and thanks for the notes. I haven’t done much Flash work recently, and so was pretty rusty until fotb. Also, the main thrust of my work is semantic / standards-based websites

  6. Pretty cool slides, i just love flash! I still don’t understand how they make flash so light, but so powerfull at the same time.

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