I Choo Choo Choose You

A couple years back I was talking to some friends and they mentioned how cool it would be to have the Valentine’s Day cards from past Simpsons episodes. Among them the “I Choo Choo Choose You” that Ralph gives Lisa Lisa gives Ralph, and the “Bee Mine” card with the bee guy on it. The other card was actually “Let’s BEE Friends” and had nothing to do with the Bumblebee guy, even though I think it would have been way better if he was on it.

Well I thought it was such a good idea that I found a screenshot of the card online somewhere and traced it in Illustrator. So I’m offering the results of that for download so you can give your special someone a neat little card this year.

Here it is:

I Choo Choo Choose You

And click here to download the .eps version.

I don’t have a copy of the “Bee Mine” card, but I do know that someone traced it and placed it online at some point last year, so maybe with some luck that one will surface.

UPDATE (02-02-2005): Found the Bee card:

Courtesy of Jedrek Kostecki.

Let's BEE Friends

Download the .eps version.

UPDATE (02-08-2005): Also, if you are looking for some other great stuff for your girlfriend this valentine’s day, check out I See France for some nice underthings.

77 thoughts on “I Choo Choo Choose You

  1. Pingback: Do I Contradict Myself? » 2005 » February » 03

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  4. I’m sure today’s episode spawned this project.

    “If you look closely you can actually pinpoint the exact moment his heart breaks in two.”

  5. I watched that episode on the treadmill last night. Watching the Simpsons while running is dangerous, I tell ya.

  6. I used Geoff’s card a couple years ago. It was a hit. If you give one of these to someone, and they don’t get it, you shouldn’t get involved with them.

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  9. Brilliant idea, but I get an error message when I try to open the file after extracting it. Help!

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  11. I beg you, would you please do the ‘Try and stop me’ image of uncle sam taking a giant bite out of the earth.
    I have always wanted a shirt of that…….

  12. Bulent: any program that can read .eps format should be able to read it.

    Harry: I don’t want to get sued by Fox or anything, so I think you are on your own on that one :)

  13. geoff, this is awesome! thanks! “try and stop me” would be great, although i understand your hesitation. another cool one would be the “tyson vs secretariat” boxing match in international waters. i have screengrabs of both of those.

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  15. Doesn’t Cafe Press have a card option available? You should upload it there and set up a little store where people could actually order the image on a real, live greeting card.
    (granted, i suppose there are all sorts of copyright issues)

  16. This is just perfect! I just started dating someone new and I’m so gonna’ blow her mind when she gets this! Thank you very very very very very very much!

  17. Strangely enough, yesterday I discovered actual “I choo-choo choose you.” Boxes of chocolates in the Valentines aisle at CVS. Whether they did it intentionally based on the Simpsons episode or not is something of a mystery, though. (Also a Pooh themed “Bee Mine” box of chocolates, but that’s not the same thing, really.)

  18. MS Visio 6.0 Fails to open the file with a “An error(933) occurred during the action Open. The file contains information not supported byu the current version of the import filter”
    I am going to try updating visio, to see if it helps….

  19. I don’t think Visio will read .eps files… you might need something like Illustrator or Photoshop, or if you don’t have access to those, try Corel Draw or some other cheap image editing software.

  20. Visio can, but I guess there is something wrong with the file, or the input filter is out of date.

    I installed GhostView (forgot it wasn’t on this machine).
    Its a very good app, and free :)

    It got an error opening bee:
    DSC Warning at line 8632:
    The trailer is normally at the end of a document.
    This line was foind more than 32k bytes from the end of the file.
    Trailers are not usually this long.
    It is more likely that another PostScript file has been included. without enclosing it in %%BeginDcoument / %% EndDocument.

    I clicked ok, which assumes there is another included file, and a similar error popped up, so I selected ok again.

    Two errors also occured with Choose.

    Any ideas?

  21. I tried opening in Illustrator 10 and got an error message that the file was created with a newer version of Illustrator and could not open it.

    I also couldn’t open in IrFanView.

  22. would you be able to downsample it with your version of Illy CS please? I think CS embeds specific data to the app – hence a lot of people are having problems.

    Thanks for originating this, lets just hope the wife will get it…

  23. Ok, I exported it as a legacy .eps file instead of doing a normal save from Illustrator CS. It should work down to Illustrator 8 now.

  24. Hahaha, geoff, I still remember that card from old yay (or was it dreamless?). I was just thinking of it the other day as a gag vday card to give.

  25. That’s funny – yeah when I first traced this in 2003 I had to search quite a bit for a screenshot of the card in the show. Too bad I didn’t just find your post.

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  27. oh my gosh! GEOFF – I LOVE YOU : ) why aren’t all men totally cool like you?
    thanks for posting the valentine! = heres a big smooch from me! xxxx

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  32. Whenever I try to open the “I Choose…” file using Microsoft Picture It I get and error message, is there any way to fix this?

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  34. I just made one for my girlfriend. I know she’ll love it. She actually bought a thing of chocolates that had the same thing (although not the simpsons drawing) on the box for me right in front of me…

  35. i downloaded the thing for the choo choo choose you card and when i went to open it, it was a zip file, which did nothing when i opsened it. it said windows cannot open this. what can i do?

  36. thanks for this.. been looking for it for ages.
    btw – nicole & afda – just right click the picture and select save picture as

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