My sweet new iTunes phone!

I was a little dissapointed at the iTunes phone (ROKR) stats. Who only wants to listen to 100 songs? Puhleese.

Check out these exclusive shots of my new iPhonePod. It’s got all the features of a RAZR, and all the features of a 4GB iPod nano.

iPodPhone closeup

So sweet. (click the pics to go to Flickr and comment if you like)

Me talking to someone very important about something very important

Here is me talking to someone very important about something very important.

Safari’s hidden debug menu

Trouble debugging your Javascript in Safari? Me too! That’s why I found this little tip useful (notice I say ‘useful’ and not ‘very useful’).

Safari is usually a very large pain when building Javascript apps. There are many small issues that seem to pop up all the time. But now with the release of Safari 2.0, you have a bit of help. Safari now has a Javascript console! It’s nothing fancy, and the errors it shows are sometimes less than optimal, but it’s far better than just guessing randomly at the problem.

To enable the Javascript console, first you must enable Safari’s debug menu. Do this by opening your Terminal and inputting this line:

defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1

Now the next time you start Safari, you’ll have an extra menu up top called “Debug” and inside are all kinds of goodies. Here’s what the menu looks like:

Safari debug menu

Back to the original point of this post, one of the items is “Show JavaScript Console” and selecting that item opens up this little window:

Safari Javascript Console

It’s not nearly as sleek and useful as the Firefox/Mozilla Javascript console, but it’s a step in the right direction, and definitely better than nothing.

MTV Movie Awards, new software, and Flash Forward

Talk about a busy month! I’ve been completely swamped with work on the MTV Movie awards website. I also upgraded my Powerbook to Tiger (that would be Apple’s OS X 10.4 for the non-nerds). Everything went very smooth and no hiccups or anything.

I also installed Adobe’s CS2 suite, and am enjoying the look and feel of the new apps, although I haven’t had much time to explore many of the new features. One small note as far as that goes: The Chopping Block did a bunch of work on sample files and other things for the CS2 release, including my FlashObject code hiding out in the Web Photo Galleries that use Flash.

And last but not least: I’ll be speaking at the next Flash Forward in New York on July 6th to the 8th. I’m sharing a session with Matthew (one of the owners of The Chopping Block) that will be a sort of Chopping Block retrospective with our technical secrets mixed in. Most likely it will be lots of talk about Flash and the role it has played over the last 10 years or so, and where Flash will be going in the near future, and how to use it effectively. Translation: lots of talk about hybrid XHTML/Flash websites and using Javscript (FlashObject) to embed your Flash movies.