Proper Flash embedding: FlashObject Best Practices

UPDATE (7-24-2005): This page refers to an old version of the FlashObject script. For questions or comments, or to download the script, please refer to the permanent home of the FlashObject script.

This post is a continuation of a previous post. Read this for more background information on the FlashObject embed method.

In the months since I posted the FlashObject embed I’ve had a chance to talk to a number of developers and use it in a few high traffic projects. In doing so I’ve picked up some tips and best practices that I’ll be outlining here. I’ve also revamped the FlashObject script so it’s a bit more light weight and fixed a few small bugs.

What’s new?

  1. Alternate content is no longer written to the page by default – You may still use the fo.altText variable to add alternate content to your pages, but it is not recommended. The way to display alternate content in your pages with Flash content would be to place the alternate content on your page, and then specify the ID of the element with your content inside. The FlashObject script then writes your Flash content inside that element, replacing your alternate text/content so the end user with Flash will never see it, but users with no Javascript or without the required Flash version will see the alternate content. Google will also index your alternate content since it is just plain HTML.

    Here is an example of what your embed should look like:

    <div id="flashcontent">
      Place your alternate content here and users without the Flash plugin 
      or with Javascript turned off will see this. 
      Include a link to <a href="?detectflash=false">bypass the detection</a> 
      if you wish.
    <script type="text/javascript">
     // <![CDATA[
      var fo = new FlashObject("fo_tester.swf", "fo_tester", "300", "150", 6, "#336699");
     // ]]>

    Because of this change, you should always specify the ID of an element to write your Flash content into. You should also be sure to always include alternate content on the page. If your Flash movie is purely decorational, you can leave the div empty, similar to using empty alt attributes (alt="") on decorational images. Also note that with the new version you need to place your Javascript that writes the Flash content after the element that will contain your Flash content, as in the example above.

  2. Support for pulling variables from the URL string when using anchors – There have been some discussion about Flash state tracking and direct or ‘deep linking.’ Most of the methods rely on parsing variables from the URL when the movie loads, so now you can pull vars out using the built in function getQueryParamValue().


    If your URL is:


    You can pass those vars into your Flash movie by using the following code:

    var fo = new FlashObject("fo_tester.swf", "fo_tester", "300", "150", 6, "#336699");
    fo.addVariable("var1", getQueryParamValue("var1"));
    fo.addVariable("var2", getQueryParamValue("var2"));

    The same works for normal URL parameters in URLs such as:


Just to recap some of the things posted in the previous FlashObject post, here’s some of the thinking behind the FlashObject embed method:

Why Javascript?

Javascript is the best overall solution for a number of reasons, among them:

  1. With Javascript you can detect the presence of the Flash Player on your user’s system and either display the Flash content or leave the existing (X)HTML on the page. This is also a huge advantage when it comes to search engine indexing since the alternate content is on the page and will be indexed as normal content. This also prevents novice users from seeing Internet Explorer’s ActiveX install box, which on Windows systems pre-SP2 is a very scary thing these days with all the Spyware and Malware running around on the internet. On most other browsers, you’ll likely see some empty box where the Flash content should be, sometimes with a broken image or puzzle piece icon which most novice users have no idea what to do with (Should they click on it? Is it part of the site?). If you include well written upgrade/install instructions in your alternate content, all of these problems are avoided.
  2. No Extra configuration files for each Flash movie. Some alternate methods of embedding Flash content in XHTML documents include using extra configuration files or ‘holder’ movies that load in other movies. With this method there is no need for any extra files aside from the single .js file.
  3. Easy to serve different content to different browsers. I worked on a project recently that made extensive use of the wmode=transparent option. Well when you are using IE or Firefox you can use wmode=transparent with the Flash 6 player, but if you are using Apple’s Safari browser, you need Flash player 7 to see the content properly. So in the embeds on the page, we required Safari users to have the Flash 7 player, and everyone else the Flash 6 player. Without Javascript we would have had to force everyone to upgrade to Flash player 7, something we didn’t want to do, even though the Flash 7 player has a pretty high penetration percentage.

Problems with Flash Satay/pure Object tag embedding

The main issue with using any embed method that uses only object tags to embed any plugin on a page is that Safari ignores the param tags. For very basic embeds this isn’t a problem, but when you want to start passing in variables or change the background color of the movie without re-publishing it you start to run into problems.

The one area where using pure object tag embeds shine is in using XHTML pages that are sent with a mime type of application/xhtml+xml. Since the FlashObject script uses innerHTML and sometimes document.write, it is not compatible with pages sent with the application/xhtml+xml mime type. Currently I have no plans to update it to work with these pages, as there are many issues with creating object tags using the DOM because almost every browser engine handles it differently and has little quirks that make it very hard to work around. If you are interested in seeing some of the code it would take to embed Flash in XHTML documents, check out the excellent Javascript that comes along with sIFR 2.0.


Download the source to FlashObject 1.1.1.

Download the source to FlashObject 1.3.

View sample pages using FlashObject 1.2 in different Flash embed situations.

UPDATE (5-5-2005): If anyone is interested, Paul Newman has wrapped this script into a Dreamweaver extension. It costs $15 (or free to CommunityMX subscribers), but if you are a not-so-technical Dreamweaver user I think it would be worth it.

UPDATE (5-17-2005): Made a small change to the embed tag output. I changed the id attribute to a name attribute as Firefox needs it that way in order to use LiveConnect and talk to the plugin via Javascript.

Safari and links to elements in overflow:auto content

I’m working on a project right now that has some content in div tags with their overflow property set to auto. Then, on another part of the page, there are links that point to elements (using their IDs) inside the overflowed div tags (See example). This all works just fine in IE6 and Firefox/Mozilla, but Safari wasn’t behaving. You can click the links all day long, but Safari won’t scroll the selected anchor into view.

Well, after a few hours of tyring different ways to hack Safari into submission, I decided that the only way I could get it working was to use some Javascript, so I thought I should share the code since there were a few pages on Google also looking for solutions.

Here is what the Javascript looks like:

var targBox = "box";
function init() {
	if (document.getElementById) {
		var atags = document.getElementsByTagName("A");
		for (var i=0;i<atags.length;i++) {
			var ca = atags[i];
			if (ca.href.indexOf("#") > -1) {
				ca.onclick = function() {
function scrollDivToAnchor(a) {
	var b = document.getElementById(targBox);
	b.scrollTop = document.getElementById(a).offsetTop - b.offsetTop;

Sample page with the working code:

View Example

Netscape 8 beta released

AOL has just released the first beta of Netscape 8.

Unfortunately it only runs on Windows machines, which means I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to check it out. It can use either the IE rendering engine or the Firefox (Gecko) engine, but I’m not sure which one it defaults to. I mentioned a while back that I was wary of the option to switch the rendering engine as most users will have no idea what it actually does even if they do delve into the options and find it there.

They also seem to have completely ignored any usability guidelines for Windows applications and gone with a non-standard application window layout. The menu bar is shifted to the left, and there is an amazing amount of clutter around the toolbars and tabs (View Screenshot).

This article even mentions how they “reduce browser clutter” by “including a ‘Multibar’ feature that combines up to 10 customizable toolbars into single buttons.” How they decided that giving users ‘up to 10 customizable toolbars’ would ‘reduce browser clutter’ is beyond me.