100% height and 100% width XHTML Flash embed

I’ve been asked this question a few times in the last couple of months, so I thought I would put together an example page to show how you can get Flash content to stretch to 100 percent height and width without using tables.

View example: 100% width and height stretched Flash embed.

It’s actually pretty simple. Here’s some of the CSS I used:

/* hide from ie5 mac \*/
html {
  height: 100%;
  overflow: hidden;
#flashcontent {
  height: 100%;
/* end hide */
body {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  background-color: #eee;

Setting the html tag to 100% height and then placing the Flash movie inside a div that is also set to 100% height does the trick.

Notice the overflow: hidden on the html element since IE will show the scrollbar even if the page doesn’t need to scroll. This line will force IE to hide any content that is outside of the browser window, and therefore hide the scrollbar as well.

To embed the Flash movie, I used my FlashObject Javascript embed so the page will validate and I have access to all the various Flash parameters I might need to pass to the Flash movie.

UPDATE (01-05-2005): Someone pointed out a bug with this in IE 5 on Macintosh, so I’ve updated the CSS a bit to make it work. Current verified working browsers are: IE 6 (PC), IE 5 (Mac), Safari, Firefox (PC, Mac), Mozilla (PC, Mac), Opera 7.54 (Mac).

If you have other browsers available for testing I would love to know if this displays properly or not. I’m mainly interested in IE 5 and 5.5 on a PC.

UPDATE (1-17-05): Tested in IE 5.01 sp2 and IE 5.5 sp2 on a pc today, and it works great.

iVillage Redesign

For some reason nobody told me that the iVillage redesign that we did was partially launched last month.

This was one of the first projects I worked on when I moved to New York. We decided on a CSS layout using XHTML 1.0 transitional (sent as text/html), with some Flash peppered around. Right now only the entertainment section is using the new design, with the other sections to follow as their internal team takes our template and adapts the content in the other sections. Unfortunately the site doesn’t validate because of one little error(!) that I’ll be passing along to their internal team along with a few small visual errors to fix.

It uses a similar method to the suckerfish dropdowns for the flyout menus on the left navigation, and some basic CSS rollovers for the main navigaion tabs at the top.

I would have liked to use my FlashObject embed for the Flash content, but this was handed over to their internal team way before I had even thought it up, so it uses generic Javascript to detect and embed the Flash movies.

UPDATE (12-22-2004): Looks like the one validation error was in some content that has now rotated off of the homepage, so now it validates!

UPDATE (01-31-2005): The whole site went live this week.