I just got back from seeing the newest Wes Anderson movie, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. It was pretty good and definitely had the Wes Anderson trademarks: the un-fatherly father figure, the son without a role model, the rampant use of Futura.
I don’t want to give anything away, so let me just get to the point: all throughout the movie there are tons of references to the number 11. Some don’t seem to fit in at all with what’s going on and seem to have no real relevance to anything. I’m hoping that maybe someone can figure it out and clue me in.
Trying not to give any spoilers, here’s a list of things I noticed (there are more I think, but I can’t remember them all!):
- Owen Wilson says about the shark: “I’ve got a feeling that we could see it from 111 feet in the air” (or something close)
- The crewmember’s kid (German kid) is 11 years old(?)
- In the sub the reporter says randomly about her baby “In 12 years he’ll be 11 1/2”
- The last bowie song has the lyrics “I’m up on the eleventh floor / And I’m watching the cruisers below”
I also thought there was some mention of a “room 111” towards the beginning, but I’m not sure.
So what’s the big deal with the number 11? Someone give me a clue.
UPDATE (12-22-2004): I posted a thread on IMDB about this. No responses with any good guesses, but someone did point out that the Royal Tenenbaums lived at 111 Archer ave.